Tip for the times – This is a surprise to me but credible sources say even in the age of the coronavirus, the best way of cleaning produce is simply with running water, and maybe a clean brush for items with sturdy exteriors.
And they further specifically advise against soap or other household cleaning products. Did not see anything one way or the other about vinegar. Here are two of the articles I found that cite entities we should be able to trust. HuffpostUSAToday Photo by Gila Brand at en.wikipedia
Our featured comfort food recipe – Cookies and Cream Bread Pudding. This recipe actually comes from Disney, among the many from the parks’ various restaurants and posted it its blog. In addition to the bread pudding link there’s also a link to the full recipe page.
Recipe and more resources at https://www.CooksSalon.com
International site hosted by Mountain’s Edge resident Barbara J Nosek